Copyright policy
What are you allowed to do with Wistpotion content?
TLDR: Anything, as long as you don't pretend to be me, or remove my name from (and slap your own on top of) my work.
The basics
You are allowed to modify, redistribute, sell and pretty much do whatever the hell you please with my work. That is as long as you clearly state that you aren't me.
Code is zlib, other stuff is cc0. Explainations at the bottom.
You are ALLOWED to:
share a game you bought with a friend. Or 10. Or 10000 friends. Or the entire internet.
create physical merchandise (stickers, plushies) of my work and sell, at small as well as large scale
create digital content (fan games, bonus levels, art, hacks) of my work and distribute / sell (even on commercial platforms like steam, epic or gog)
upload my work to torrenting sites, or other "illegal" distribution sites
make edits, hacks, use samples and in other ways include or modify my work, and distribute that for noncommercial and commercial purposes
You are NOT allowed to:
state that you are an "official reseller" or anything that implies I endorse what you do
change my name to your name in the credits of a game and then redistribute it
share anything in a way that makes it look like you are wistpotion
upload remixes to commercial music platforms (spotify etc) and add me as a primary artist. (you are allowed to upload remixes / bootlegs / mixes / whatever, but only include me as writer / producer, not artist)
taking a piece of art I've created, crop out my name / watermark and add your own
use any of my logos / other identifying features in your own work
All of the above boil down to "don't lie about who you are and we'll be fine". If you want to be an official reseller / have some other priviledge, then please contact me and we can discuss it.
Practical advice regarding credits and trademarks
There is some nuance to this.
Let's say I create a brand that I call "ApplePie". ApplePie has a special logo and a special name. The name and logo are what identifies an ApplePie product (game / plushie / artwork) as an ApplePie product.
It should never be unclear who is the creator of something / if a piece of work is official.
If you create a game in the ApplePie universe and then sell that on steam, you should state it's a spinoff / fan project if you use the ApplePie name. (If you don't use the name, you don't have to say it's a spinoff). Some title examples to give you an idea:
- (BAD) ApplePie: the pear returns
- (BAD) The ApplePie Chronicles
- (GOOD) a cherry pickin [an ApplePie spinoff]
- (GOOD) ApplePie fan game: goose on the loose
- (GOOD) Maple syrup simulator
The same applies to the logo. Some examples:
- (BAD) big splashscreen with the ApplePie logo
- (GOOD) big splashscreen with the text "an ApplePie fangame"
In general it's best not to use the logos I have created at all, since it quickly becomes unclear looks like it's an official piece of work.
Another example, it's okay to use the logos on a bunch of stickers and sell at an event, since the expectation is that everything is fan-art.
If you create a series of plushes, you really shouldn't use the logo, and instead write "an unofficial ApplePie plush" or something like that. That's because plushies are expected to be endorsed by the original creator.
Basically; make sure people can tell if something is official or not. When in doubt, state that it's unofficial / a spinoff / a parody / fan work and you'll be fine.
If you are in even more doubt (or just want to show me cool shit you make) contact me at
Legal bullshitteries
All of my software written under the wistpotion name is under the zlib license unless stated to be otherwise. That boils down to:
- I don't have any legal responsibilities
- you can't say you made something I made
- if you changed something you have to say it
- don't change the license if you redistribute the software
Everything that isn't software is licensed under cc0 (unless stated to be otherwise). That boils down to:
- don't use my trademarks (logos and other identifying things. don't pretend to be me)
- "you can copy, modify, distribute and perform the work, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission"
- providing credit / citation is appreciated but not necessary